Dr. Muriel Sawyer-baa Boardroom
The NUSU Student Centre Boardroom is named after Dr. Muriel Sawyer-baa, former Nipissing First Nation Deputy Chief. Dr. Sawyer-baa passed away in 2021. She was a Custodian of Language and Culture, an irreplaceable Advocate for Indigenous Education.

Dr. Sawyer-baa had worked with other elders to translate signage in the Student Centre to Nishnaabemwin, an Indigenous dialect.
Dr. Sawyer-baa had an extensive history with Nipissing University. In 2014, Dr. Muriel Sawyer-baa was the recipient of an Honorary Degree, Doctor of Education (Honoris Causa), from Nipissing University. She began teaching after earning her BA from Nipissing University in 1974 and continued to teach Junior Kindergarten through to post-secondary in her over 40-year career.

She wrote, implemented and taught the first Anishnaabemwin program for the Nipissing Parry Sound Catholic School board for 25 years. Dr. Sawyer was instrumental in the launch of Nbisiing Secondary School, where she served as teacher, Vice-Principal and Principal until her retirement.

At Nipissing University, Dr. Sawyer-baa co-created the "Teacher of a Second Language Program" - now known as the "Teacher of Indigenous Languages as a Second Language" - as well as taught several courses within the program.
An advocate, teacher, and mentor for her students and colleagues, Dr. Muriel Sawyer-baa leaves behind a lasting legacy with the many Anishnaabemwim teachers who are now continuing her extensive work.
The Dr. Muriel Sawyer-baa Boardroom is located on the 2nd Floor of the NUSU Student Centre
(221 College Drive, North Bay, Ontario)

Dr. Murial Sawyer-baa's Translations for The NUSU Student Centre;
Food Bank: Miijim Teg
Coat Check: Biiskawaagan Chigaadek
Cash Room: Zhoonyaa
Lounge: Enji-Naamdabing
Meeting Room: Enji-Giigdong
Copy Room: Naasaapbiigeng
Club Lockers: Abjichganan
Storage: Sanjgon
Kitchen: Enji-Jiibaakweng
Washroom: Wiigwaamenhs
Office: Enji-Naaknigeng
IT Room (Technology): Wiinmaagewin Biiwaabkoonhs Teg
Study Room: Enji-Naabwaajgeng
Courtyard: Gwajiing
Welcome: Bi-Biindgen
Board Room: Enji-Debaamjigeng
(Enji-Debaamjigeng means, 'You can see far off into the distance')